Badan Standardisasi Nasional
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SMIIC Covid-19 Members Resource - Indonesia (BSN)

  • Kamis, 23 Juli 2020
  • 816 kali

The COVID-19 virus infection was detected in Indonesia on 2nd March 2020. To prevent the transmission of this virus, Indonesian government took immediately some measures i.e. appeal to wear mask outside house, stay at home, go outside house if necessary, avoid crowd and to clean hands with soap/hand sanitizer more frequently and go to health facilities if showing symptoms of transmitted with the virus. The regional government such as Jakarta and some provinces/cities in Indonesia conduct “Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (Large Scale Social Restriction) to decrease the transmission of virus.

BSN conducted some activities to support Government in addressing the pandemic in Indonesia. Some activities related to standardization in preventing the transmission of virus as follows:

  • BSN provides access to BSN’s services by online, i.e selling standards, accreditation services by KAN, etc.
  • BSN provides Guideline/Health Protocol related to COVID 19.
  • BSN provides Public Awareness about Covid-19 through social media such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
  • BSN provides full access to Indonesian National Standards (SNI) in read only and flipbook format) related to addressing COVID-19 pandemic, which are classified into nine categories such as mask, medical gloves, ventilators, tissue and hospital laundry, electromedical equipment, laboratory management systems and medical devices, hands, glasses, floors sanitizer, medical devices sterilization and others related to this virus crisis.
  • BSN disseminate the information of ISO free access standard related to measure of COVID-19 to public.
  • BSN conducted some webinars related to measure of COVID-19 from standardization perspective such as testing method, online transaction, smart city, food safety, etc.


Tautan Berita: SMIIC Covid-19 Members Resource - Indonesia (BSN)
