Badan Standardisasi Nasional
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the 2014 ICES Conference: Developing Standards Professionals Across Borders

  • Selasa, 25 Februari 2014
  • 8662 kali

Your conference planners are currently working on details for ICES 2014.

Date: 14 August 2014

Venue: Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, Canada, K1P 1J1 (Map)

Hotel Reservations: Currently the group rate of $165 CAD available for the "SES - 63rd Annual Conference" has been extended to ICES participants. To reserve your room at the Chateau Laurier Hotel, use the MAKE A RESERVATION button at or call by phone: 1.866.540.4410.


The conference will take place immediately following the SES: The Society for Standards Professionals' Annual Conference. Click here for more information on the SES Conference.


World Standards Cooperation (WSC) Academic Day is tentatively planned to take place 15 August, 2014 immediately following the ICES Workshop.


Call for Papers and Presentations
The 2014 ICES Conference theme "Developing Standards Professionals Across Borders" will engage all those involved in the standards education community to consider:

  • What is a standards professional?
  • What are some career paths for a standards professional?
  • What educational opportunities and training can best support the development of standards professionals throughout their career?
  • How can standards professionals be best supported by their professional communities?
  • Opportunities for collaboration and community building leading to global initiatives to engage standards professionals


The 9th ICES conference aims at looking particularly at the education about standardization throughout a professional's career.

ICES conferences bring together representatives of industries, standards organizations, academia and public authorities to foster the exchange of insights and views on all issues surrounding education about standardization, to raise awareness and improve its quality for all stakeholders.