Badan Standardisasi Nasional
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ISO poster competition – Show-off your sustainability!

  • Senin, 17 Oktober 2011
  • 3186 kali

If you believe in the importance of sustainability and of international consensus-based solutions, then this contest is for you. Design a winning poster and get published in ISO’s flagship magazine, ISO Focus+ (

Since the 1992 Earth Summit many more people have become aware of the importance of creating a sustainable world, and of the fact that doing so requires practical global solutions. Which is why, as the Rio+20 summit draws nearer, ISO standards are proving increasingly attractive.

To highlight this commitment ISO is dedicating the January 2012 issue of its magazine ISO Focus+ to sustainability. With a winning poster entry, you can be a part of it too!

Show us how you think ISO standards can make a positive contribution with a poster featuring a design, drawing, cartoon, photo, etc. created by you (any type of image, drawn or otherwise, is accepted as long as they are created by the authors). You can include a slogan consisting of no more than 140 characters including spaces.




  • A3 format (297 x 420 mm)
  • PDF [High resolution PDF (X1/a or Press Quality)] or
    JPG [High resolution JPG (Maximum quality 12)]
  • Must have rights to images used
  • Address the theme of sustainability and standards
  • English or French (max.: 140 characters including spaces)
  • And most importantly: Have fun!

Deadline for submission: 15 November, 2011 (Hurry!)

Send your entry by email (subject: Poster Contest) to .

The winner will be chosen by a selection committee within ISO, and the poster published in ISO Focus+, January 2012 issue.

If the poster is selected for publication we will request the author’s photo.

The winner will be announced early December 2012.


Get inspired!


For ideas and inspiration we recommend you read ISO’s latest brochure on sustainability and standards  

You might also shout “eureka!” after watching these videos:


About ISO Focus+
ISO’s official magazine, ISO Focus+, is published 10 times a year in English and French. The magazine is distributed to thousands of business, industry and government leaders and experts. It is also available online at .

Source : (accessed on October 17, 2011)